Q) When will North Rose 1940 be published?

A) Our best guess is 2022. Please fill in this simple form and receive a no-obligation notice as the book is about to be published.


Q) How did the author choose the 190 households whose stories he tells in-depth in the book?

A) Because North Rose is an unincorporated hamlet rather than a village, it does not have a strict legal boundary. He used the Census Bureau’s definition of North Rose. That is approximately a rectangle. The Glad Tidings Church is on the north side; the North Rose Fire Department is on the east side, The Bethel property at 4869 South Main Street is on the south edge. The west side is aligned with Marian Hayes and Randy Moore’s property at the south end of South Poplar Street when it takes a westerly turn.


Q) My Post Office address is North Rose, NY. Why isn’t my family featured in the book?

Q) I attended NRCS for thirteen years. Why isn’t my family featured in the book?

Q) I live in the Town of Rose. Why isn’t my family featured in the book?

A) These three questions have the same answer. The author had to decide which families lived in North Rose. His decision was logical. The households featured in the book are people whom the Census Bureau considered to be residents of North Rose and were present at the time of the 1940 census.


Q) Is the book entirely about the year 1940?

A) No, it contains much more information than that. As stated in the answer immediately pre this question, living in North Rose in 1940 qualifies a family to be in a featured status in the book. Biographical information about close relatives (at least parents and children) will also appear in the book. The author tends to include more distant relatives if he finds an entertaining story about them.


Q) How does the author treat a family who moves away shortly after they qualified as North Rosers in the 1940 census—never to return?

A) They get the same full treatment, just like everyone living in North Rose at the time of the census (April 1940).


Q) Can I see what you have written about my family so I can see what myths you are promulgating about my beloved and respected ancestors?

A) The author has no grievance against any past or current North Rose residents. His only goal is to write an accurate history of his beloved hometown, centering the stories around 1940. Therefore, we would be delighted to give you the manuscript pages about friends and neighbors you knew quite well. If you have older relatives, perhaps they would want to take part in fact-checking our manuscript. We would also appreciate any stories or anecdotes about these residents of North Rose. Please recall that the author is going to write about the children of the featured 1940. If you are still quite young (God bless you!) maybe the children of the featured adults would be your contemporaries. We are interested in your memories of this younger generation aswell.


Q) What if I don’t like the book?

A) We offer a 60-day, no-questions-asked guarantee. If you don’t like the book, you call return it for a refund of your total purchase price including shipping and tax. You will just be out the modest return postage.